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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Does a bad credit score make you a risky employee?


I do not think so, but it can be an indicator.  Taken alone, it would (IMHO) be an unfair discriminator against a potential employee.  However, it remains the employers perogative to use this as a criteria for employment.  Bigger picture, I think it’s another way that those on the edge of the financial abyss are […]

Allstate insurance: above and beyond, being human, or both?


The Consumerist has an  The insurance company twice denied his request for coverage before coming back (after media pressure) and paying the claim.  On the one hand, I agree with the commenters who say All State had no contractual obligation to pay the claim.  On the other, what’s the ethical, socially responsible thing to do? […]

However will banks survive without the debit card fee?


Consumerist asks how will banks maintain profits w/the debit card fee going away?  The answer: they will find a way. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post

Calculated Risk: Greece – who knows?


Indeed. If I were a betting man, or had any money to bet, I’d go with a managed (i.e., “politically spun for maximum benefit”) default. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post