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Category Archives: Villians

NewYorker: Intellectuals for Trump


I’m posting this having read it but needing time to consider it. As we know, Trump shook the world with his win. I’m personally appalled by the man and believe the dignity of the office of the President has just taken a tremendous blow. This is a man who has mocked a disabled man, disparaged […]

The Rule of Law in the financial system…


…I’ve said for quite awhile that the rule of law was broken in the financial system with the failure to hold the banks accountable as they were given blank checks during the bailouts. One example of this is the bias against fraudulent foreclosures. If you as a person write a check to a third party […]

HSBC in league with DOJ and drug dealers…


…the only thing we mere mortals can do is vote with our few dollars. If you do business with HSBC, I encourage you to read this article, then withdraw your funds from them. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post

A thought on leadership…


…from the poet and philosopher Jon Stewart. The key to leadership, I think, is to just “be a f***ing human being.” Call it the Stewart Derivative of the Golden Rule or something like that if you must; whatever the name, if you just treat your people with basic decency and be a human being, you […]

Court rules defendant must provide laptop password…


I’m no lawyer (though I hope to be some day), but I agree with the Instapundit. The ruling that the defendant must provide the password to her laptop is wrong. It seems to me she’s being compelled to provide evidence against herself, a violation of the fifth amendment.   Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on […]

Small victory for the public in foreclosure mess?


 Maybe.  As Taibbi writes, it’ll depend on the actual wording of the settlement.  I’m less optimistic than he is about it.  I’m also curious where the money from said settlement would go? To the people who were affected by this perjury? Or to the State, for their use (ostensibly) in preventing and/or perusing offenders? Bookmark […]

Who is targeting Iran’s scientists?


 It’s probably effective to target the scientists, but I wish they’d take out the Iranian President.  It seems to me the former are just doing their jobs, where the latter is driving the crazy train. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post

Recess appointments: a Presidential prerogative


The Senate is up in arms over the President’s use of the recess power recently.  I applaud President Obama for saying, “Enough,” and taking action.  (I do feel the CFPB appointment should have gone to Elizabeth Warren.  If he was going to buck Congress, why not with a more powerful nominee?)   Bookmark on DeliciousDigg […]

Afghan President “pardons” woman raped by relative…


…so long as she marries him that is. I cannot imagine the horror this woman has gone through…or that she must continue to endure. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post

Housing Doom: Low interest rates no help to underwater homeowners


What’s surprising about this being news is that it’s news.  When we went through our personal housing crisis over two years ago, this was readily apparent.  Even when our 2nd mortgage sold it to another company at a discount, the 2nd company refused to even consider lowering our interest rate.  Their loss, in the end. […]