Absolutely outrageous doesn’t begin to describe this act. The last line of this article sums up what Blue Shield is doing. “By jacking up rates, insurers are pushing people off their rolls and are undermining efforts to get more consumers access to healthcare,” he said. “Insurance companies only want customers who can pay the […]
The airlines are raking in cash with their new fees. Expect more gouging in the future. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
…absolutely ridiculous. Why do we pay taxes? NYT: First Responders Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
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Tagged taxes
Krugman writes the program is solvent and that the money is in a special fund. I’ve heard and read that’s not true; that the special fund is IOUs…from the government. So, in reality…it’s broke. Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post
…I am not a smart man, but from what I have read and the few “numbers” I do know, I believe our country is headed toward fiscal catastrophe. I just don’t see how the debt levels we have, nationally and individually, are sustainable. Further, I don’t see how the public pensions are sustainable, without heavy […]
…I don’t actually blame the Senator for not wanting to pay exorbitant taxes on his boat. However, I do blame him for not doing something about it in reference to his position. http://bostonherald.com/track/inside_track/view.bg?articleid=1269698 Bookmark on DeliciousDigg this postRecommend on Facebookshare via RedditShare with StumblersTweet about itSubscribe to the comments on this post